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Lubrication-free and robust polymer bearing technology in cow cleaning machines

An igubal bearing ensures the movement profile and maximum service life in this cow cleaning machine.

Cows walk around freely in modern cowsheds. On the one hand, to increase their feel-good factor and, on the other hand, to utilise EU funding, farmers are investing in cow cleaning machines. They must be above all insensitive to dirt and dust. A lubrication-free flange bearing permanently secures the required motion profile at a central location and ensures maximum service life.


  • What was needed: igubal fixed flange bearing EFOM
  • Requirements: High forces exerted by cows as well as aggressive environmental conditions (ammonia vapour in the barn, cow hair as well as hay and straw dust) require particularly robust components
  • Industry: agriculture
  • Success for the customer: igubal fixed flange bearings are tough, resistant to impact and wear and offer the lowest coefficients of friction in dry operation; the customer also saves weight, installation space and costs by using the bearing elements
Cow cleaning machine Fully automatic cow cleaning machine. It is on duty for at least seven hours a day.


Albert Kerbl GmbH in Buchbach is a globally active producer and wholesaler of products for farms and stables, riders and horses, pets and pasture fences.
At the beginning of 2013, the family business launched its own development, a ready-to-plug-in cow cleaning machine, the "CowCleaner DUO". Because cows need to rub and scratch themselves. By means of this machine they clean themselves and free themselves from parasites, lichens and mites.
More precisely, the cow cleaning machine is a double brush system with a horizontal and a vertical brush.
When planning the components, several factors had to be taken into account. Since the cows can damage the machine, all machine parts had to be designed to be very tough.
But even during the normal approx. 60-second brushing process, the entire brush is constantly moved up and down by the animals, with forces permanently acting on the machine.
And lastly, ammonia vapour in the barn, cow hair and hay and straw dust were aggressive environmental factors that also affect all components. If the brush system is installed outdoors, the effects of the weather are added. All these influencing factors have such a strong effect that you hardly recognise the machine after a week in use.


A robust igubal fixed flange bearing EFOM - a standard design element from igus - is used today to support one shaft end of a brush. It consists of a housing made of igumid G, its characteristic is the special impact resistance, and a spherical ball made of the highly wear-resistant material iglidur W300. It has the lowest friction values in dry operation and thus works exceptionally wear-free. The bearing elements are very light, save installation space due to their dimensions and help to save costs: firstly in procurement and secondly in operation by eliminating maintenance and assembly costs.
The fixed flange bearing is installed with two mounting holes on the underside of the cow cleaning machine. It reliably records the rotary movements. It is resistant to vapours, fine dusts and coarse dirt. Then there is the UV resistance. While metallic ball bearings seize up immediately in these aggressive ambient conditions, nothing can seize up in the lubrication-free bearings.
Another major advantage in this application is that exact alignment of the bearing housing is not necessary, as the fixed flange bearing automatically compensates for misalignments.
A total of five test machines have been built. All of them are still operating perfectly smoothly today. Several hundred of the cow cleaning machines are now in use in cowsheds across Europe.

"With an expected service life of at least five years, we will always use lubrication-free plain bearing technology for future developments in bearing arrangements. They ensure maximum performance and a long service life in the toughest conditions."
Martin Lechner, Product Development Albert Kerbl GmbH
Fixed flange bearings Fully automatic cow cleaning machine. The maintenance-free fixed flange bearing on the underside absorbs the rotary movements.
Fixed flange bearings Assembly takes place on site. Fixed flange bearing for fully automatic cow cleaning machine.

Consistent online presence

Due to the adverse operating conditions, corrosion-resistant polymer bearings are basically state of the art in cow cleaning machines. "When we made the decision to design a fully automatic cattle scratching brush in-house, it was clear from the outset that we were also relying on the design and operational advantages of the material plastic," recalls Lechner.
The sophisticated selection and configuration aids available online on the igus homepage played a major role in this. Although no load data could be provided for calculation, the product developer quickly found the right solution. Even the unit price was immediately available online, so that a rough cost calculation could already be presented during product development. A standard machine element is used, which is available from stock.

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igus® GmbH points out that it does not sell any products of the companies Allen Bradley, B&R, Baumüller, Beckhoff, Lahr, Control Techniques, Danaher Motion, ELAU, FAGOR, FANUC, Festo, Heidenhain, Jetter, Lenze, LinMot, LTi DRiVES, Mitsubishi, NUM,Parker, Bosch Rexroth, SEW, Siemens, Stöber and all other drive manufacturers mention on this website. The products offered by igus® are those of igus® GmbH