Sliding motorboat steering console with maintenance-free hybrid roller bearings

The team at Pegazus Boats builds motorised yachts and fishing boats and has developed an innovative sliding system for the operator console. It can be used to steer the boat either from the cabin or on the open deck. drylin hybrid roller bearings, which are assembled on two anodised aluminium guides, ensure that the position of the bracket can be changed quickly and easily. The system is easy to install, corrosion-resistant and completely maintenance-free.
  • What was needed: Linear guides for horizontal displacement of the control console
  • Requirements: Easy to install, corrosion-free, resistant to media/salt water, maintenance-free
  • Industry:boats/sports boats
  • Success for the customer: With drylin WJRM hybrid roller bearings in combination with hard-anodised aluminium rails, the innovative, flexible bracket system from Pegazus Boats can be used in all climate zones and on different types of water. The bearings are corrosion-resistant, completely self-lubricating and travel in dry operation - cleanly, quietly and without maintenance. As hybrids, they score with the advantages of two technologies: the high grip and stability of liner technology and the very low resistance to displacement of roller technology.
Sliding control system on Pegazus boat with drylin WJRM Slides horizontally along the cabin wall on drylin linear guides: the sliding steering console from Pegazus Boats
Pegazus Boats Turn the driver's seat to the side and the console can simply be pulled out of the boat cabin onto the cockpit.
drylin WJRM hybrid roller bearing and roller guide Highly stable and completely maintenance-free thanks to dry operation properties: two drylin W linear rails in combination with hybrid roller bearings make adjustment possible.

drylin WJRM

Lubrication-free hybrid roller bearings with ball bearings for smooth lateral adjustment
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