manus® award 2025

12th competition for plastic bearing applications

Take part now and win €5,000!

manus® Applications

What are we looking for?

  • What technical problems have you been able to solve by using polymer bearings?
  • How have polymer bearings improved the sustainability of your application?
  • What impact has the change had on costs?

Presentation of the manus® award


Jury meeting

Award ceremony

What you can win

The golden manus®


The silver manus®


The bronze manus®


The green manus®


The jury of experts


Martina Birk

Hubertus von Monschaw

Hubertus von Monschaw

Alexander Gölz

Alexander Gölz

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Boos MBA

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Wolfgang Boos MBA 

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Krug

Prof. Dr.-Ing. Peter Krug

Paul J. Heney

Paul J. Heney

Dr.-Ing. Andreas Gebhard

Dr.-Ing. Andreas Gebhard

Tobias Vogel

Tobias Vogel

Register now for the manus® 2025

Winner of the manus® award 2023

2023 gold manus

2023 silver manus

2023 bronze manus

2023 green manus

All applications for the manus® award 2021

The highlights of the last manus® awards


The winners of the past years


I look forward to answering your questions

Shipping and consultation