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iglidur® C - Material data

Materials table

Genera l featuresUnitiglidur® Ctest method
Colour Whitish 
Max. humidity absorption at 23°C/50% R. H.% weight1,0DIN 53495
Max. water absorption% weight6,9 
Coefficient of surface friction, dynamic, against steelμ0,17-0,25 
pv value, max. (dry)MPa x m/s0,10 

Mechanical properties
Bending E-moduleMPa1.900DIN 53457
Bending strength (20°C)MPa60DIN 53452
compressive strengthMPa30 
Maximum recommended surface pressure (20° C)MPa40 
Shore D-hardness 72DIN 53505

Physical and thermal properties
Max. long term application temperature°C+90 
Max. short term application temperature°C+130 
Minimum application temperature°C-40 
thermal / heat conductivityW/m x K0,24ASTM C 177
Coefficient of thermal expansion (at 23° C)K–1 x 10–515DIN 53752

Electrical properties
Specific forward resistanceΩcm> 1010DIN IEC 93
surface resistanceΩ> 109DIN 53482
'Table 01: Material Data

Figure 01: Permitted PV values for iglidur® C bearings with 1 mm wall thickness in dry operation against a steel shaft, at 20℃, installed in a steel housing.

X = Surface speed [m/s]
Y = Load [MPa]
Bearings made of iglidur® C were developed especially for applications where the use of PTFE and silicon is not possible. Such applications can be found in electronics, tobacco and beverages industry and in many painting processes. Keywords like paint compatibility and silicon-free make the employment of this material reasonable.

Figure 02: Maximum recommended surface pressure dependent on the temperature (40 MPa to +20 °C)

X = Temperature [°C]
Y = Load [MPa]
Figure 03: Deformation under load and temperatures

X = Load [MPa]
Y = Deformation [m/s]

Mechanical properties

The pressure resistance of iglidur® C bearings declines with increasing temperatures. Fig. 02 highlights this correlation. The maximum recommended surface pressure is a mechanical material parameter. Tribological conclusions cannot be drawn from it.
Figure 03 shows the elastic deformation of iglidur® C with radial loads. The high flexibility makes the bearing suitable for vibrations and edge loads.

m/s Rotary oscillating Linear
Constant 1 0,7 2
Short-term 1,5 1,1 3
Table 02: Maximum surface speeds

Permitted surface speeds

Though important solid lubricants have been deliberately dispensed with in the development of the iglidur® C, the bearings are very wear resistant and for this reason suitable also for continuous movements at medium surface speeds. Though speeds up to 1.5 m/s are attained on the short term, the main applications should however be undertaken with speeds below 0.5 m/s.

iglidur® C Operating temperature
Lower - 40 °C
Upper, long-term + 90 °C
Upper, short-term + 130 °C
Secure axially in addition + 40 °C
Table 03: Temperature limits for iglidur® C


The upper short-term application temperature is +130°C. However no more loads are possible at this temperature. Therefore it would be reasonable to limit the temperature to about 80 up to 90° C. Note that the bearing should be mechanically fastened to the housing from temperatures of +40° C to counteract the danger of loosening of the bearing.

Figure 04: Coefficients of friction dependent on the surface speed, p = 0,75 MPa

X = Surface speed [m/s]
Y = Coefficient of friction μ
Figure 05: Coefficients of friction dependent on the load, v = 0,01 m/s

X = Load [MPa]
Y = Coefficient of friction μ

Friction and wear

The coefficient of friction of the iglidur® C bearing is dependent to a large degree on the coarseness of the shaft. Similarly the wear of the bearing is very good in applications with rotating or pivoting motions with low loads.
iglidur® C Dry Grease Oil Water
Coefficients of friction µ 0,17 - 0,25 0,09 0,04 0,04

Table 04: Coefficients of friction for iglidur® C against steel
(Ra = 1 µm, 50 HRC)

Wear information Figure 06: Wear, rotating application with different shaft materials, p = 1 MPa, v = 0.3 m/s
X = shaft materials
Y = wear [μm/km]
A = Aluminum, hard-anodized
B = machining steel
C = Cf53
D = Cf53, hard chrome-plated
E = St37
F = V2A
G = X90

Shaft materials

Figure 06 clearly shows how important the "suitable" counter partner can be. Although all the results shown from these rotation experiments can be regarded as very good, the difference is sometimes significant. This difference becomes even greater as the load increases.
Wear information Figure 07: Wear in pivoting and rotating applications with Cf53 dependent on the load
X = Load [MPa]
Y = Wear [μm/km]
A = Rotating
B = Pivoting

Medium Resistance
Alcohols + to 0
Hydrocarbons +
Greases, oils without additives +
Fuels +
Diluted acids 0 to -
Strong acids -
Diluted bases +
Strong bases 0
+ resistant      0 limited resistance      - not resistant
All specifications at room temperature[+20 °C]
Table 05: Chemical resistance of the iglidur® bearings C

Electrical properties

Specific forward resistance > 1010 Ωcm
Surface resistance > 109 Ω

Chemical resistance

iglidur® C bearings are resistant to cleaning agents, fats, oils, diluted alkalis and weak acids.

Radioactive rays

iglidur® C bearings are resistant up to a radioactive intensity of 2 x 104 Gy. Higher radiations affect the material and can lead to the loss of important mechanical properties.


iglidur® C bearings are not resistant against UV rays. In outdoor applications or in other applications with intensive radiation, adequate protection against direct radiation should be provided.


The iglidur® C bearings can be used in vacuum only restrictedly. Potentially existent humidity degasses.

Electrical properties

iglidur® C bearings are electrically insulating.

Maximum moisture absorption
by +23 °C/50 % r. F. 1,0 weight-%
Max. water absorption 7,0 weight-%

Table 06: Moisture absorption of iglidur® C
Effect of moisture absorption on plain bearings Diagram 10: Effect of moisture absorption
X = Moisture absorption [weight %]
Y = Reduction of inside diameter [%]

humidity absorption / moisture absorption

The humidity absorption of iglidur® C bearings amounts to about 7% with saturation in water and therefore this should be accounted for in applications in a humid environment.

d1 [mm]
Shaft h9
iglidur® C
D11 [mm]
Housing H7
Up to 3 0 - 0,025 +0,020 +0,080 0 +0,010
> 3 to 6 0 - 0,030 +0,030 +0,105 0 +0,012
> 6 to 10 0 - 0,036 +0,040 +0,130 0 +0,015
> 10 to 18 0 - 0,043 +0,050 +0,160 0 +0,018
> 18 to 30 0 - 0,052 +0,065 +0,195 0 +0,021
> 30 to 50 0 - 0,062 +0,080 +0,240 0 +0,025
> 50 to 80 0 - 0,074 +0,100 +0,290 0 +0,030

Table 07: Important tolerances for iglidur® C bearings according to ISO 3547-1 after the press-fit.

Installation tolerances

iglidur® C plain bearings are standard bearings for shafts with tolerance h (minimum recommendation is h9).
The bearings are designed for press-fit in a housing with h7 tolerance. After the installation in a housing with nominal diameter, the inner diameter of the bearing automatically adjusts to the D11 tolerance.

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igus® GmbH points out that it does not sell any products of the companies Allen Bradley, B&R, Baumüller, Beckhoff, Lahr, Control Techniques, Danaher Motion, ELAU, FAGOR, FANUC, Festo, Heidenhain, Jetter, Lenze, LinMot, LTi DRiVES, Mitsubishi, NUM,Parker, Bosch Rexroth, SEW, Siemens, Stöber and all other drive manufacturers mention on this website. The products offered by igus® are those of igus® GmbH