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Hygienic & modular: Egg breaking machine improves customer service

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Egg-cracking machine

About the application:

The company JSL Solution Pte Ltd has developed a machine for breaking half-boiled eggs.
The machine can crack and distribute the eggs at the touch of a button, ensuring the freshness of the eggs. The egg is automatically transported from a tray to the cooking plate and separated. The empty egg shells are then transported to a separate compartment.
The maintenance-free and lubrication-free components are suitable for food applications with the highest hygiene requirements. Due to the modular design of the automation solution, it can be combined in the future with fried egg and scrambled egg devices.

The problem

Due to the restriction of the quota for foreign workers in the service sector, there are bottlenecks in Singapore in the catering industry. Long waiting times in restaurants or hotels are not uncommon. Stronger hygiene measures have aloso come into play because of the Covid 19 virus. Food waste is an important cost to consider.
Automated processes in the kitchen, which additionally check stock and improve the quality of the food, could remedy the situation. However, systems with robots are often too expensive for the food and beverage retail sector.

The solution:

JSL Solution's project to serve half-cooked eggs is designed to free up labour for more value-added tasks and optimise customer service. It allows the worker to allocate more time to serve the customer with no more guesswork, wastage, adjusting of fire, watching the clock and customer waiting. The use of kitchen automation also improves food safety, hygiene and storage. Quality control data is collected daily for this purpose.
The slim design allows for optimal use of work space in shops. This modular automation solution for the kitchen and catering sector increases daily productivity, reduces operating costs through less waste and increases turnover for the company.

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